Thursday, 2 April 2015

Know your body

The weeks following finding out I had this bastard mass growing inside of me was a blur of blood tests, biopsies, radioactive PET scans (and yes I did pretend for the afternoon I was hulk and repeatedly sang Imagine Dragons). We knew I had cancer, we just didn't know what kind. My consultant said he hoped for lymphoma, that, he said, he could treat. Such a messed up situation to be in, to hope I have a type of cancer. I used to hope i'd win the lottery and I'm now finding myself hoping for lymphoma. Brilliant.

And Lymphoma it was to be. Non-Hodgkins Follicular Lymphoma to be exact, a disease that affects the over 60's. So I'm the height of a 12 year old fighting a 60 year old's disease. Super. 

Oh and its been growing for two years. Two years of misdiagnosis. And because it was misdiagnosed for so long it had been given the time to spread, so not only did I have a big bastard mass in my abdomen but a rather large and unsightly one on my neck too. Such luck. I knew my body wasn't right, I knew I had something that shouldn't be there. Am I cross at the various doctors I saw? Hell yes I am. I'm cross that my age determined their diagnosis of me. This is why it is so important that we are aware of our bodies, if you feel something's not right or you don't agree with a doctors diagnosis, then you get that 2nd and 3rd opinion. I knew my body wasn't right two years ago, I should have gone with my instinct, I should have persevered.

Let the scans begin...
Could they have possible found a big enough scan outfit!

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