Sunday, 26 July 2015

Chemo Zombie

There is no sugar coating chemotherapy treatment. It is bloody horrendous. It's the worst kind of hangover x100. I always walk into the first day of treatment fresh faced and then leave 5 hrs later a horribly sickly grey colour. I don't feel myself, I don't feel human. My brain is mush, my muscles ache, the fatigue is incredibly frustrating, my mouth is coated with a gag inducing metallic taste, I don't want to eat, I have no concentration or want to do anything, i'm easily frustrated and confused, sleep is impossible. I am a chemo zombie.
I've just finished my 4th cycle, I thought the more treatment I have, the easier it'll be and the better i'll cope. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I'm now fully aware of what awaits me come chemo day and the anxiety and nerves kick in once i'm in the car on route to the hospital. You shouldn't wish your life away, and I certainly shouldn't be doing that, but, I want these next two cycles, these next two months to be over with. Life can then return to normal and I can continue being a crazy 20 something year old, that doesn't have to miss her best friends birthday because of chemo sickness!!!
The first week after chemo is the yuckiest and it's a constant battle to stay sane. So to try and avoid turning into that chemo zombie these are my do's and don'ts for this week.
Do sleep - sleep when you can, have a quiet space that you can take yourself away to. Rest is a big must.
Don't push yourself – I'm not a very good 'sick' person. I treat my cancer as though its the common cold and don't see it as this scary illness. So I think I can do more than I actually can. Resting frustrates me and I feel guilty for doing so, but in order to get better it is a necessity.
Do eat. Eat little amounts and eat whatever you fancy. I put pressure on myself to stick to a healthy diet and its pretty impossible. Taste buds are gone and the thought of food is gross. So grab anything that takes your fancy.
Do drink water. Drink tons of the stuff, the only way to get those toxins and dead cancer cells out of your body is to guzzle that H20.
Do get outside. I've found staying indoors only makes me feel worse. The fresh air and change of scenery does wonders.
Don't stress. Don't put any add stresses or pressures onto yourself. And if you do feel overwhelmed and stressed then listen to music, meditate, read, walk and laugh! Laugh about your unfortunate shitty situation :)

Do know that this is only temporary, know that you'll come out of this stronger, fitter and tougher. Know that this is the hardest thing you'll ever face, and face and beat it you will.